JavaScript OOP Blueprints

Unlike many other classical OOP languages, JavaScript gives you many ways to create the “classes” or blueprints of objects in your system. For the purposes of comparing these options, lets consider the definition of OOP to be “data and the methods that act on that data are fused into a single entity”.

Three of the main patterns of creating a class in JavaScript can be summed up as: using the prototype directly, using the class keyword, using function closures.

Using the prototype

function Person(name) { = name;

  this.energyLevel = 10;
  this.sleeping = false;

  this._deepestThoughts = "What _do_ snozzberries taste like?";

  this._restIntervalId = null;

Person.prototype.askName = function askName() {
  if (this.sleeping) return;

  console.log(`${} says "Howdy! I'm ${}!"`);

Person.prototype.askThoughts = function askThoughts() {
  if (this.sleeping) return;

  console.log(`${} ponders the universe, then speaks: "${this._deepestThoughts}"`);
  return this._deepestThoughts;

Person.prototype.exercise = function exercise(exertionLevel) {
  if (this.sleeping) return;

  console.log(`${} starts doing jumping jacks at a ${exertionLevel} intensity level.`);
  this.energyLevel = this.energyLevel - exertionLevel
  if (this.energyLevel <= 0) {

Person.prototype._rest = function _rest() {
    this.energyLevel = this.energyLevel + 1;

    console.log(`zzzz.... ${} is resting.`);
    if (this.energyLevel > 5) {

Person.prototype._sleep = function _sleep() {
  console.log(`${} can't stand being awake any longer, and drifts off to sleep!`);
  this.sleeping = true;
  this._restIntervalId = setInterval(this._rest.bind(this), 1000);

Person.prototype._wake = function _wake() {
  console.log(`${} is awake!`);
  this.sleeping = false;

Using the prototype method:

let joe = new Person("Joe");

joe.sleeping === true; // true

// access to private properties
joe.sleeping === false; // true

// Extending a Person (inheritance)
function Developer(name, languages) {;
  this.languages = languages;

Developer.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);

Developer.prototype.askThoughts = function askThoughts() {
  if (this.sleeping) return;

  console.log(`${} says "I know [${this.languages.join(',')}] pretty well."`);
  return this._deepestThoughts;

let jen =  new Developer("Jen", ["JavaScript", "PHP", "Elm"]);

jen.askThoughts(); // method overridden
jen.exercise(15); // method executed from the Person prototype
jen.sleeping === true; // true

Advantages of this method:


The prototype method is the traditional way to create OOP objects in JavaScript and directly exposes the system that is used at the core of the language. The class based system in the next section is syntactical sugar for the prototype method, as each method works almost identically under the hood.

The disadvantages with this method are primarily based around the this keyword, which is often a point of confusion. For example, creating an object using the prototype method is allowed both with and without the use of new, which causes the value of this to be different in each case:

let joe = new Person("Joe");
// The value of `this` when constructing Joe is the new object that is created. Properties 
// like `name` will be set on the object when ` = name` is called.

let bernice = Person("Bernice");
// Oh no, the `new` keyword is omitted. Instead of throwing an error JavaScript will happily just call 
// the function, returning `undefined`. The value of `this` inside the function will also be the global 
// object `window`. So statements like ` = name` effectively 
// become ` = name`, polluting the global namespace.

There are other this related pitfalls, which can be seen in the method definition below. The first is the use of Function.bind. Due to the changing nature of this, without binding the function passed to setInterval the _rest method will try to wake up the window object instead of the Person instance we would expect. In order to ensure this is what we want it to be, we need to call this._rest.bind(this) which creates a new function: a copy of the bound function with this sealed in place. Here, the first argument passed to bind is this which creates a new version of the _rest() function where the value of this inside it is always the same as the this that is passed in when the function is bound.


Person.prototype._sleep = function _sleep() {
  console.log(`${} can't stand being awake any longer, and drifts off to sleep!`);
  this.sleeping = true;
  this._restIntervalId = setInterval(this._rest.bind(this), 1000);

Another more subtle issue is that property names assigned on this can easily be mis-typed:

  this._restIntervalid = setInterval(this._rest.bind(this), 1000);
  // Oops, we accidentally used a lower case "i" instead of "I" for "Id"...

Due to JavaScript’s dynamic typing, this is perfectly valid and even desired in some cases. We can add properties to objects whenever we want and the program will continue without issue. However since there are now two properties on this: _restIntervalId and _restIntervalid, bugs are certain to occur later on in the program’s execution.

A convention you might have noticed used in this example is the leading underscore on method and property names, like this._deepestThoughts. There isn’t anything special about this, it is just a way to communicate to the developer that the value is intended to be “private”.

let joe = new Person("Joe");
// Joe's deepest thoughts are supposed to be hidden, be we can easily access them anyway.

One of the main tenets of Object Oriented Programming is that internal data and methods should be hidden via encapsulation, with only the external API available for use. Using the prototype method in JavaScript doesn’t really allow this, and the leading underscore implies a “consenting adults” method of encapsulation. You can access these properties but the leading underscore lets you know that you probably shouldn’t.

Using the class keyword

class Person {
  constructor(name) { = name;

    this.energyLevel = 10;
    this.sleeping = false;

    this._deepestThoughts = "What _do_ snozzberries taste like?";

    this._restIntervalId = null;

  askName() {
    if (this.sleeping) return;

    console.log(`${} says "Howdy! I'm ${}!"`);

  askThoughts() {
    if (this.sleeping) return;

    console.log(`${} ponders the universe, then speaks: "${this._deepestThoughts}"`);
    return this._deepestThoughts;

  exercise(exertionLevel) {
    if (this.sleeping) return;

    console.log(`${} starts doing jumping jacks at a ${exertionLevel} intensity level.`);
    this.energyLevel = this.energyLevel - exertionLevel
    if (this.energyLevel <= 0) {

  _rest() {
      this.energyLevel = this.energyLevel + 1;

      console.log(`zzzz.... ${} is resting.`);
      if (this.energyLevel > 5) {

  _sleep() {
    console.log(`${} can't stand being awake any longer, and drifts off to sleep!`);
    this.sleeping = true;
    this._restIntervalId = setInterval(this._rest.bind(this), 1000);

  _wake() {
    console.log(`${} is awake!`);
    this.sleeping = false;

Putting the class keyword to use:

let joe = new Person("Joe");

joe.sleeping === true; // true

// access to private properties
joe.sleeping === false; // true

// Extending a Person (inheritance)
class Developer extends Person {
  constructor(name, languages) {
    this.languages = languages;

  askThoughts() {
    if (this.sleeping) return;

    console.log(`${} says "I know [${this.languages.join(',')}] pretty well."`);
    return this._deepestThoughts;

let jen =  new Developer("Jen", ["JavaScript", "PHP", "Elm"]);

jen.askThoughts(); // method overridden
jen.exercise(15); // method executed from the Person prototype
jen.sleeping === true; // true

Advantages of this method:


The class keyword is a somewhat recent edition to JavaScript and is usable in all browsers except the fringe of browsers that are out of date (looking at you Internet Explorer).

Using class is very similar to Object.prototype with one main advantage: it is required to use the new keyword to construct a new object from a class.

// Creates a new object
let joe = new Person("Joe");

// This will throw an error and reduce bugs propagating through the system
let jen = Person("Jen");

However using class still has the same issues with needing to refer to this, with potential typos causing bugs and having to bind functions.

Using class also does not get around the issue of encapsulation, as private fields and methods are only possible through conventions like the leading underscore.*

*As of the time of this writing, private fields are part of a stage 3 proposal and are available in the latest versions of Chrome and MS Edge.

class Person {
  #deepestThoughts = "My thoughts are truly hidden now!";

  constructor(name) { = name;

With the proposed private field syntax, the deepestThoughts property is no longer accessible from outside the class.

Using function closures

function Person(name) {
  let energyLevel = 10;
  let sleeping = false;

  let _deepestThoughts = "What _do_ snozzberries taste like?";

  let _restIntervalId = null;

  function askName() {
    if (sleeping) return;

    console.log(`${name} says "Howdy! I'm ${name}!"`);
    return name;

  function askThoughts() {
    if (sleeping) return;

    console.log(`${name} ponders the universe, then speaks: "${_deepestThoughts}"`);
    return _deepestThoughts;

  function exercise(exertionLevel) {
    if (sleeping) return;

    console.log(`${name} starts doing jumping jacks at a ${exertionLevel} intensity level.`);
    energyLevel = energyLevel - exertionLevel
    if (energyLevel <= 0) {

  function _rest() {
      energyLevel = energyLevel + 1;

      console.log(`zzzz.... ${name} is resting.`);
      if (energyLevel > 5) {

  function _sleep() {
    console.log(`${name} can't stand being awake any longer, and drifts off to sleep!`);
    sleeping = true;
    _restIntervalId = setInterval(_rest, 1000);

  function _wake() {
    console.log(`${name} is awake!`);
    sleeping = false;

  return {

And usage of the closure method:

let joe = Person("Joe");

joe.sleeping === true; // true

// access to private properties
joe._wake(); // error - no access to private methods
joe.sleeping === false; // false

// Extending a Person (inheritance)
function Developer(name, languages) {
  let parentObject = Person(name);

  function askThoughts() {
    if (parentObject.sleeping) return;

    console.log(`$parentObject.{name} says "I know [${languages.join(',')}] pretty well."`);
    return parentObject._deepestThoughts;

  return Object.assign(parentObject, {

let jen =  Developer("Jen", ["JavaScript", "PHP", "Elm"]);

jen.askThoughts(); // method overridden
jen.exercise(15); // method executed from the Person object
jen.sleeping === true; // true

Advantages of this method:


This big advantages with this method are the avoidance of this and actual encapsulation.

All instance and constructor variables are accessible in the scope of the defined functions, so there is no need to access them via this. This brings two benefits. The first is that there is no need to bind/call/apply functions regardless of where they are defined or called within the closure. When the parent code calls a method on the returned object, the function that runs will have access to all of the scope defined in the closure and there is no need to retarget this.

Additionally, because we are not adding/modifying properties on this there is no chance to typo a variable as long as you are developing with a linter. Using the same _restIntervalid example above, if you attempt to read or set this value and accidentally type a lower case id, there will be a warning that the identifier is not defined. These warnings don’t appear when using properties on this because it is perfectly reasonable that you would want to dynamically add or access properties at runtime.

The other big advantage of the function closure pattern is that you now have encapsulation that completely hides values from the calling code. This is not possible with class based methods (save the stage 3 syntax proposal mentioned above). Since the function closure is returning an object with only the public api you define, all other functions and variables defined withing will be hidden from the calling code.

There is a slight downside with this compared to other OOP languages though, in that these values are also hidden when from child objects when using a form of inheritance. If we try to extend the object that is returned from the function we are still unable to access the “private” variables.


In the pros/cons for each approach I’ve listed “Performance (possibly, benchmarks later)” as one of the considerations. This is a hypothesis that the function closure method will perform worse when a large volume of objects are created. The reason for this is that the prototype and class based approaches will create their methods once, and share the implementations across all objects that are created. The function closure method on the other hand will actually create a new copy of every method defined each time a new object is created.

Intuitively, this will perform worse either in CPU cycles, memory usage, or both. In the next post I’ll run some benchmarks and measure what the actual performance difference is across the three methods detailed here.

Update: the long awaited (by me) follow up to performance is now available here.